When Submitting an online request, please be sure to follow all prompts until you receive the "booking submitted" pop up box. You will also receive a confirmation email once you have successfully completed a request. If you do not recieve a reservation request confirmation email or have any other questions. Please call our office at (850) 951-9901.
Reservations can also be made by emailing bppsrenee@gmail.com or calling our office at 850-951-9901
All our dog and cat guests attending daycare and/or boarding MUST be current on vaccinations including Rabies, Distemper and Bordetella. Please wait at least 72 hours after shots before checking in. All guests must be on a current flea treatment to protect other guests.
BEST PALS PET RESORT, LLC reserves the right to refuse service and admittance to any pet guest who lacks proof of vaccinations, displays signs of contagiuos health conditions, or does not meet our health and temperment standards.
All dogs attending daycare must pass our temperment examination. The test can take 30 minutes or more and BEST PALS PET RESORT, LLC reserves the right to refuse any dog who demonstrates aggressive behavior towards staff members or other guests.
As a courtesy to our other guests, please try to avoid pick-ups and drop-offs between 12:00 (noon) and 2:00 pm. This is reserved as quiet time when the guests are sleeping, lounging, and enjoying a siesta. Thank you!
**More forms may be required upon check-in**